Advanced Top Rope
This refers to Certified Belayers being shown how to perform Top Rope climbs on more advanced overhanging geometries where the belaying and climbing takes place from up on the top of the bouldering features. A prerequisite to accessing this specialized type of top rope climbing, where you learn how to employ Redirect Hooks to prevent an unwanted early swing from an ‘early’ top rope fall, where the swinging climber could swing down into features or other participants on the deck, is to already have Top Rope Belay Certification and a good amount of previous standard top rope belaying. The ATR type of climbing is restricted to Certified Belayers only, uncertified climbers are not allowed to participate in this more specialized type of climbing/belaying until they become Certified Belayers. This advanced training takes place up on top of the boulder features WITH A STAFF PERSON and covers the technical differences between ‘regular’ top roping and ATR.
Such as:
- How to use the Extension Pole to place the climbers top rope into the appropriate Re-Direct Hook up about 18′ on the intended route before the climb gets underway.
- How to pick the proper ‘tether’ for the belayer (floor anchor/ tether). Belayers are required to ‘tether’ to the deck even if they weigh more that the climber, preventing a belayer from inadvertently falling off the deck onto people below while belaying.
- How to pick the proper top rope to use.
- How to properly ‘climb to the redirect’, when un-hooking, and to not ‘reach up’ to unhook the redirect. (controls drop distance)
- How to ‘take’ and keep a ‘tight-’belay immediately after climber ‘un-hooks’. (controls drop distance)
- How to position the unused top ropes hanging that might get tangled in a ‘swing fall’.
- How to properly lower climber when climber is swinging after fall.
- How to ‘rappel’ off the boulder feature to the main floor on the ‘static line’.
Please call to schedule ahead.
- $50 a person (free with membership)
- Includes equipment rental
- Includes a full access day pass
- climbing
- weight room
- cardio equipment
- Belay Certified
- Your own two piece harness
- Must bring someone else either:
- Willing to learn with you (must meet the prerequisites as well)
- Already ATR certified